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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grrr-troop troubles.

I once was a Girl Scout leader. That was before I had children. I have opted to get back into it since my kids have showed interest in scouting. Piece of cake, right? Leading troops is somewhere on my resume and surely a gaggle of little girls is easier than that.

Well, it's not the girls causing me heartache, it's the fact that my troop can barely get off the ground. Here we are in January. I commenced this journey over the summer. There were few folks, if any, who stepped up for leadership positions. Because I didn't want my oldest to have to wait another year, I said that I would take on a troop. Well, if you know anything about GSUSA, the rules have changed. Each troop now must have two registered leaders present at each meeting who have completed required training.

I had one in September. We started the process and then she moved. I found another volunteer (who ironically has no daughters) and now she has to step down because of her health. I am at a loss. I have put some feelers out there to some of the parents. I sincerely hope someone is able to step in. I fear that these poor little girls will never see this troop come to fruition.


Anonymous said...

That's hard, I hear you. I haven't been involved with troops before but I know it can be tough to find volunteers.
I hope someone comes through for you soon!

Kanani said...

I understand. I led a Cub Scout troop, and finding volunteers was often difficult.
For some reason, Girl Scouts really get short shrift. I'm not sure why. It seems that people are less likely to volunteer for them, moreso than Boy Scouts.

I hope you find someone soon. Girls really need to learn leadership and community building skills early on. There's a lot at stake, and you're in a role of great importance.

Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog on MilSpouse. It's a great read! :) Thank you for sharing.